$12 VR-15 Rifle for use with Onward

Sep 3, 2016


Here is a new custom VR rifle stock I designed and created for use with Onward VR Combat Simulator


It is made from black drainage PVC pipes and 1 1/2 commercial plumbing Y connector. I used the package material that held the Vive box in the shipping box as a stock and covered it with an old black T-shirt. Old belt for a sling.

This is a big improvement over my A1-VR-MII Rifle. I can use the forward assist for better control when aiming in Onward, I can simply slip the assist through my controller top to aim, and control walking at the same time. This also makes reloading super fast and natural as I simply pull my hand down to slip out of the assist and grab a mag, slip into position without having to remove the main controller.

I constructed this by drilling holes in the PVC, then cutting the edges to fit the curve of each connection point, then fastened with zip ties, filed down edges and covered tightly with black electrical tape. This was under $12 total. This allows a limited hinge where the barrel meets the Y connector. This allows me to slightly raise or lower the forward assist to match each gun in game, as the line up of the controllers is a bit different depending on gun type and optics. I find this all combined gives me a good edge in game play.

By my third match, I was clean sweeping the other team through three matches. And with the sling, I am able to drop the rifle instantly and grab my secondary to save my ass twice.

Feels really good, very natural adding to the immersion which is off the charts!

We are living in the future, what a fantastic time to be alive.


I also decided to use a monitor arm as a caddy for my HMD and controllers. I find this is great as keeps my desktop space clean and I can push/rotate out of the way when not in use.
Super safe too as HMD never touches a surface, impact, scratches, risk of falling off table etc. Been using for months now without issue.


…and yes, that is a paper towel roll cut in half, it in fact fits controllers perfectly!


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